Thursday, March 24, 2011

Freddie Mac on You Tube

Millions of people turn to YouTube for wacky viral videos, but Freddie Mac believes that YouTube can also be used to provide information to homeowners facing foreclosure.

The government-sponsored enterprise has launched a new five-video series on its YouTube channel that dispels what is described as the "five common myths that could prevent people from keeping their homes if they face foreclosure." Each video runs between 90 seconds and two minutes and is based on content culled from Freddie Mac's "Get the Facts on Homeownership" education and outreach materials.

"Individuals are worried about scams and fraud, and don't know who to safely turn to for help," says Dwight Robinson, Freddie Mac senior vice president of corporate relations and housing outreach. "The videos provide information and resources that just might keep individuals from losing their home."

SOURCE: Freddie Mac